1 Brigitte Voykowitsch, Dalits. Die Unberührbaren in Indien, Verlag Der Apfel, 2006, p. 80 (Dalits. The untouchables in India; no English edition).

2 Jyotirmaya Sharma, ‚Hindutva.Exploring the Idea of Hindu Nationalism, Harpercollins, 2015, Pos. 2294.

3 Amartya Sen, Die Idee der Gerechtigkeit, dtv, 2017, p. 65 (citations from the German edition; English edition: The Idea of Justice, Penguin, 2010).

4 Jyotirmaya Sharma, Cosmic Love And Human ApathySwami Vivekananda’s Restatement of Religion, HarperCollins Publishers India, 2013, Pos. 2.

5 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Originally recorded in Bengali by M., a disciple of the Master, p. 423.

6 Jyotirmaya Sharma, Hindutva. Exploring the Idea of Hindu Nationalism, HarperCollins, 2015.‘, Pos. 4075.

7 Roderick Matthews, Jinnah vs. Gandhi, Hachette India, 2012, p.

8 Sri Aurobindo Ghose, Die Grundlage der Indischen Kultur und die Renaissance in Indien, p. 11 (citations from the German edition; English edition: The Renaissance In India And Other Essays On Indian Culture).

9 Sri Aurobindo Ghose, Die Grundlage der Indischen Kultur und die Renaissance in Indien, p. 13.

10 Judith Butler, The Force of Nonviolence, Verso, 2020, p. 201f.

11 Matthias Tietke, Yoga im Nationalsozialismus, Ludwig, 2012, pos. 2986 (Yoga in National Socialism; no English edition).

12 Jyotirmaya Sharma, Hindutva. Exploring the Idea of Hindu Nationalism, Pos. 3686.